You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2013.

Congratulations to Oh That’s Witte! You win! Check your email soon.

A while back I was contacted by Casetagram to see if I would be interested in reviewing one of their custom cell phone cases. It was perfect timing. While I loved the pattern on my (trendy, over-priced clothing store) case, it covered all the buttons and I’m pretty sure contributed to the demise of my power button.

Needless to say, I jumped at the chance. New case, plus one of my own design.

The process couldn’t have been easier. I simply downloaded the free Casetagram app and got to work. I was able to choose from any of my own photos (Instagram, Facebook, camera roll, etc.), as well as use custom filters and stamps built into the app.

In a matter of minutes I was finished. Simple!


My case arrived quickly and my initial impression was good. I had picked one of my favorite photos of Owen on the beach. While the photo clarity was decent, I had used an image directly from my Instagram account, and therefore it was a smaller file size and lower image quality. My only advice would be to use a photo with higher pixels to insure the clearest results.


The case snapped on easily and much to my delight, does not cover any of the buttons.


At first I wondered if such a thin and lightweight case could really protect my phone, but the boys have dropped it countless times since it arrived and all is good.

Overall I think this is a great product with endless design possibilities. Casetagram is available for the iPhone 4/4S, iPhone 5/5s/5c, iPod touch 4, iPod touch 5, iPad, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note I, and Note II, and would make a really nice gift.

Speaking of gifts, do you still need one? There’s still time to get your own Casetagram before Christmas!

Leave a comment telling me who you would gift one to, (or if you would make one for yourself) and you’re entered to win. This is a quick giveaway so the winner will be announced Monday.

Good luck!

my case was provided generously by Casetagram.

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Alltop, all the cool kids (and me)