You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2008.

But omigod how snackable are these?

Image courtesy of Natalie Moser Photogaphy

We talk about our future a lot. The future after the wedding. When we will look for a new home. (Great time to buy, but will our house sell?) And of course, when we will have children.

There’s no definite, but there’s an idea of a time. I can assure you that I’m not baby obsessed. At least not yet. I’m sure I will at some point, but for now I’m looking forward to becoming a wife and enjoying some time as a married couple.

I think I’ll be a good mom. I have no doubt Michael will be a good dad. I think it’s something some people were meant for and every time I hold a little peanut of a baby I know that I am one of those people.

I have a very strong gut feeling my first child will be a boy. I’ve felt it for years. When the time comes we both agreed we want to be surprised. It will be all yellows and greens until the actual birth day. But I’ll tell you, if I have a girl first, I’ll be SHOCKED.

Unbelievably happy.

But completely and totally shocked.

Can you have mother’s intuition long before you’re even pregnant?

I’m feeling pretty crappy body-wise this week. I think some of it has to do with the new pill adjustment (as a follow up to this post, yes, I did in fact get my period on day three of the placebo pills and it lasted until last night which made it — hold on, let me count — a five day  period. Which a) was exactly as long as it was on the old pill so b) it better regulate and become shorter like Yaz claims or I’ll be annoyed.)

(Side note: annoyed specifically because my period was exactly planned out to end the week before the wedding, and at this rate it’s going to end the Tuesday before the wedding. Only three days before the Big Day and so help me if I have a zit.)

(No more parentheses, promise.)

(Starting now.)

The other reason I’m feeling crappy is I just have not been able to get on a regular gym routine lately. I go, but then I won’t for a few days. Life has just been getting in the way and I was all set to go last night when I came home to a lovely letter from the IRS, which let me just tell you is NOT the way I prefer to end my day. That would be with a glass of wine and an episode of Gilmore Girls thankyouverymuch.

No worries, the IRS thing is fine, but it completely cut into my gym plans because I have tendency to overreact to things just a wee (cough, cough, huge, cough) bit and by the time I was done dealing with it the gym was a distance memory.

So I set the alarm for an hour earlier than usual this morning.

And didn’t go.

I am a first-class procrastinator. Always have been. I’d do term papers two days before it they were due. I send in my bill payments the week before they’re due. I put off picking up my piles until they’re threatening both my relationship and the safety of the dog. He doesn’t like having things fall on him.

I recognize my pattern of behavior, I just don’t know how to change it.

Six months ago I was in the gym five days a week, every week, like clock work. Now, just 12 weeks from W day you would think it would be a no brainer to get my butt there. But I’m not going! Instead, I eat my grapes and complain to fellow brides about how I’m feeling and woe is me blah, blah, blah.

I need a serious kick in the pants.

And then an hour in the gym.

Followed by another kick in the pants to go back.


I keep telling myself, “tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go back.” And I mean it this time. I’m going to write it down (not here though, because ugh, how annoying) and track my gym days because the goal is to stay healthy and stay strong.

I really don’t want to lose that.

Let’s take a walk on the comfy side…

“Heel Lover” wants to know:

Dear Shoeru,
I’m a college girl who is constantly walking around campus.  I need an affordable pair of comfortable shoes that will allow me to walk all day without dying, but at the same time, I’m a big high heels fan.  Whenever I’m out shopping or going places on weekends, I always wear heels, and I find it hard to part with them during the week.  My jeans are always too long for flats, and I feel like my legs look fatter without heels.  Do you have any solutions for this conundrum?
Heel Lover

In my “old age” I find myself starting to focus a wee bit more on comfort than I did a few years ago. Truthfully, in college I had a pair of black knee high boots that I wore all fall and winter until the heel actually broke off in my living room. (Luckily, this did not happen while trudging down a hill on campus.) (Although that probably would have been funny.) (Just not to me.)

Before I move on to the shoe portion of this question, I have to recommend finding a pair of jeans you can wear with flats. Jeans that are too long will pool at the bottom of your feet, not only causing damage to the jeans, but actually adding to the issue you are uncomfortable with. If you feel your legs look heavy, the last thing you want to do is add extra bulk to them. Wearing jeans that are the right length (for flats, just over the top of your foot, with heels, to mid heel at the highest) can make all the difference in how your legs appear.

If you have a brand of jeans you absolutely love but they don’t come in a shorter version, buy two pairs and have one hemmed for flats. I know this seems like an extra expense, but think about the payoff in the end.

Um, sorry. You asked about shoes, right?

OK, assuming that giving up heels is completely out of the question, the goal is to find one with a larger, shorter heel than your Friday night beauties.

These cute red ones (they come in black too) fit the bill. The leather makes them all-season appropriate, the shorter heel is great for walking around campus and the gel heel insert is just one more comfort factor to tie the package together.

Valora II by Fitzwell, $79

Valora II by Fitzwell, $79

If you’re willing to go with a shorter jean, there are a slew of comfort lines that have stepped up their designs. No orthopedic shoes here. Clarks is one line that has really made improvements over the last few years. Made famous by their collection of clogs, they now have everything from flats to mary janes. These give you a little bit of height, are easy for running around in and are still cute.

Mettie by Clarks, $89

Mettie by Clarks, $89

Hopefully that will get you on your way. Seriously, check out the comfort lines. And if you’ve got some major moola to spend, head over to Cole Haanand check out their women’s line with Nike technology.  The shoes include Nike Air cushioning and claim to be uber comfy.

And Nicki says:

Hi Molly!
I love your blog and had a shoeru question for you. So, normally I’m not much of a shoe girl…I’m getting better though I promise! 🙂 In any case, here’s my question for you. I do a lot of wedding photography, so spend a lot of time on my feet on the weekends shooting. The events are fabulous, but the hours are long and not much chance to sit down as I don’t want to miss a shot. So, my question for you, I need a nice looking cute flat shoe that gives my aching feet some support! I have some cute black flats, but my arches just kill the next day. Is there anything that would look cute that won’t murder my feet? I usually wear some form of black slacks to events, and nothing too flashy so as not to distract from the people I’m photographing! Oh, and also, one last request, nothing too expensive if you can find it!
Any ideas?
You’re the bestest!
-Aching photo’s feet

If you’re on your feet a lot, I would start with the same suggestion as above. Comfort lines! As a matter of fact, that pair of Clarks would be great. But a word to the wise: break them in first. A friend of mine wore brand new clogs to a trade show without breaking them in and was very, very sorry. I like to put on thick socks and walk around the house for a few days. It tends to do the trick.

These have a small heel, but not too high that it would bother you all night.

Tres Chic by Naturalizer, $74

Tres Chic by Naturalizer, $74

 I recommended these shoes in the past and Dreamgrrl bought them. “They are my favorite work shoes,” she says. “They are like little clouds under your feet, no blisters, and they match with everything without looking like old lady nursing shoes (which i was a little afraid of).”

An actual first-hand testimonial. Doesn’t get much better than that!

Indigo by Clarks, $69

Indigo by Clarks, $69

I’ve never used them personally, but for a profession where you’re on your feet all day it might not hurt to have custom arch support made for you. Ask your doctor for a referral.

It’s hard to put into words what Clink’s wedding was to me. This blogging world is a funny place, you know? When Clink and I first started talking I had no idea it would turn into this full blown friendship that would end up with invitations to each other’s weddings.

Sitting in the church, waiting for her to come down the aisle felt like the result of all we had worked for. I know this sounds ridiculous, it’s not like I was marrying her! But what I’m trying to convey in a not very clear way is that we talked every day. Every. Day. for nearly a year as she planned her wedding day. And when I got engaged she eagerly jumped in to start planning mine. She truly became one of my best friends and I felt beyond happy for her as the music began for her walk down the aisle.

It occurred to me as I sat there that just the day before was exactly three months until my wedding day. Twelve weeks until it would be my turn to wait anxiously behind the church doors. It feels like just last week Clink was at her 12 week mark and I can’t believe how quickly time flies.

I know the mush factor gets a little high around here sometimes, but today it’s probably going to be off the charts. I’ve left barf bags by the front door if you need them.

I am so happy to have been witness to the joining of a couple who is so in love.

I am so happy to have been sitting next to the man I will soon be joined to while their vows were said.

All the little details that I’ve agonized over with Clink for months suddenly didn’t seem so important. Not in that moment.

In 12 weeks I’m going to get married. There will be programs and centerpieces and appetizers, but most of all there’s going to be a moment on an alter when I will be asked if I take this man as my husband.

With everything I have in my heart, yes.

Yes I will.

She’s a Mrs.!

The wedding was such a beautiful affair and I am so glad I was able to attend. The weather was perfect, (especially for rooftop cocktails!) the first dance was adorable and the food — omigod the food — was amazing. I can’t even tell you how many crab legs I ate. It was somewhere in the area of a lot.

Clink was a gorgeous bride and she and M are clearly so happy and in love. I can only hope that Michael and I radiate as much happiness at our own wedding.

If I had to pick one moment that was my favorite, though, it was tearing up the dance floor with Clink. That girl can dance!

So now as she braves the skies on her way to Hawaii, I leave you with some pictures.

Here they are at the alter. Isn’t her train pretty? I kept trying, but was unable to get a shot of the most precious part — as Clink teared up, M would reach out and rub her back to comfort her during the ceremony. It was so sweet.

Here we are during cocktail hour at sunset on the roof of the reception with stunning views of the city. Great shot of the front of her dress.


And so I can prove to you how cute his suit is, here’s me and Michael.

Happy honeymooning, Clinky dear. It was a beautiful, wonderful wedding.

There will be no posting.

There will be sleeping in (a little).

There will be last minute rushing around to get things packed, vacuum the living room, change the sheets in the guest room and leave a detailed note of how much food to give the dog.

There will be a car to a train, and a train to a city. A push through Grand Central and a cab to the hotel.

There will be a black and white dress and red shoes, a gray suit on a handsome man.

And then there will be a wedding.

My dearest Clink, I cannot wait to share your special day with you. It seems like just yesterday we were complaining to each other — why hasn’t it happened? And then it did. We shared the excitement, the stress and the frustration.

And also five or six martinis.

I am truly honored to be your friend and will be carrying lots of tissues because I know I will cry when you and M say your vows.

Congratulations — to the very near future Mrs. M.

I love you more than Louboutins.

Period talk, boys. Move along.

Actually, more pill talk, which could be equally disturbing to most men.

So here we go.

About eight years ago when I started on the pill I was on the one everyone was on — Ortho Tri-Cyclin. Which worked great with no problems until my junior year of college when my hormones must have changed and I went all wackadoo. I switched to Ortho-Lo, and while my emotions went back to normal, I found myself with regular spotting always 10 days before my period.

Not a sign of anything wrong, but certainly an inconvenience. But I stuck it out for the next few years because a) it’s a hassle to change and b) I didn’t want to get all wackadoo again. But the spotting was getting to me so I switched again to Yasmin.

Same problem.

This brings us to last month, when I switched doctors and told her I was tired of the spotting and yeah, let’s do something about that. She prescribed me Yaz — a pill that claims to reduce all the symptoms of your period (bloating, cramping, crazy lady emotions) and give you a very light, very short  period. Unlike most pills, Yaz works on a 24-pill schedule as opposed to the 21-pill packs like Ortho.

So here we are, the day after pill 24 and I’m just a sitting duck wondering when-oh-when the big P will arrive. I hate not knowing. For the past eight years I’ve know basically down to the hour when it will arrive. This is annoying.

This is also the time that my brain starts churning around and freaking out that omg could I possibly be pregnant? Uh, no. But I did decide to Google it, which lead me to a dozen message boards of women saying oh yeah, I hardly get my period on Yaz and the first month I thought I was pregnant.


I mean, shouldn’t they put that on the label or something? And also, if that’s what it’s going to be like every month I’m switching back, because that little indication that all is how it should be? It’s a good thing.

I swear, Yaz must be in cahoots with EPT and First Response. They probably make a killing from women their first month on Yaz.

I haven’t jumped on the pregnancy test bandwagon, because I know I”m not. But I’d love to hear from anyone who is on/has been on Yaz. Peace of mind is always a good thing.

Men, you can open your eyes now.

The sample branches I ordered for my centerpieces just arrived.

They’re four feet tall.

Clearly, my actual shipment has not arrived yet because these can’t possibly be for the centerpieces. These must be the branches the Oompa Loompas will be dancing under.

This totally made me cry…in a good way.

Watch with sound.

The man should wear a suit every day.

This weekend we walked out of the store with a haul. Two suits, two shirts, two ties, socks, a belt and shoes.

(Really gorgeous more-than-we-should-have-paid leather shoes.) (I could not be more proud of him.) 

But back to the suits.

For Clink’s wedding (and any future summer events), a gray pinstripe with the best fitting blue shirt I have ever seen on a man. I may have had an impure thought or two when he walked out of the dressing room. Just saying.

And his wedding suit. His WEDDING SUIT, people. As in the outfit he will be wearing when he marries me. I just can’t get over how transformative a suit can be. I always find him attractive, but when he stepped in front of the mirror I was smitten all over again.

Although, that could have been the shoes. Maybe.

Ask me anything!

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Alltop, all the cool kids (and me)