As a favor to a friend, I’m watching his children for a few days. I’d pretty much do anything short of sell heroin for this guy so when he asked me, I immediately said yes.

It’s not hard to agree when his kids are so. freaking. adorable. A boy, age five and a girl, almost two. The only downside of this whole situation was the hour I rolled out of bed this morning. Luckily, I had a bit of a drive to wake up because I am SO not a morning person.

Upon arrival, Dad was essentially booted out the door, “Bye, Daddy!” and play time commenced. I’ve worked with a lot of kids so I can say this with experience: these kids are easy. We played all morning, inventing new games, turning fire trucks into mail trucks, “cooking” on the Fisher Price stove and coloring. We laughed a ton.

The kids went down for a nap without a peep of complaint. (The little one was out like a light in moments, the older is currently reading a book in his bed.)

Like I said, they’re easy.

And the sun finally came out so after nap time, outside we go!

(My only concern slash fascination is the lack of urination going on, despite the constant question of “would you like to sit on the potty?” and frequent Pull Up checks. Dry!)

Here’s the thing, though. These kids? These adorable children who give hugs and brush my hair? A little boy with an infectious laugh and a little girl who patted the couch, made me sit and read me Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See in a teeny, tiny voice?

Makes me want my own little family bad.

Really bad.

Like, now.

Are any of you going through the baby pains? How do you deal when there’s so much cuteness?