– The 8 .m. marketing meeting I attended today was apparently the land where bad hair accessories went to die. At just one table there was a scrunchi, a 80s-style fabric headband and a banana clip. You remember banana clips, don’t you? (Example below. I wish I could have gotten a live shot, but I don’t think she would have appreciated me up in her face with my cell phone.)

The best part was her curly bangs and slicked back sides, making it not only a banana clip hairdo, but a mullet!


– Jen and I went on a haunted hayride on Saturday (yeah, yeah, shut up) but had to stop at the ATM on the way. When I pulled up the machine was beeping because someone had left their card in it. Since the bank was closed, we weren’t sure what we should do. We searched the card for a phone number, but there was none. No “in case this card is found call here”. Nothing. So we did the only thing we could think of; bring it to the police station. Because we are good Samaritans.

Or maybe because we were paranoid that we were on surveillance taking the card from the ATM.

– My sister pierced her nose. I can’t say I’m surprised, but I think she’s a big idiot. Why? She hates her nose! Obviously drawing more attention to it is the best possible idea.

– At our last tennis lesson last night Jen and I kicked some serious ass, beating our opponents three games to one. To celebrate, we did a jump in the air chest bump. Which works a lot better when you don’t have boobs. Our instructor enjoyed it.

– Last night Michael climbed into bed and while spooning me, grabbed my hand. “What’s that?” he said, fingering my ring. I laughed at his joke. “It’s still new. And really, really nice,” he said.
